Thursday, October 20, 2011

Collab Templates 21 - 24 by Pooker/Denny

At long last - some new Collab Templates from Pooker and I ... I mentioned it and she was off and running.
Love the color combo - so very Autumn!
I hope that you enjoy them - and be looking for some more new Templates very soon.

Download HERE

Don't forget to drop by Pooker's blog

and check out the rest of her amazing templates that she has posted - along with other great goodies.

There will be more to come ... so keep checking back from time to time

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Tube of Choice - I used a tube from Zindy called Autumn Kisses which you can find HERE
Kit used - Fall Fantasy by A SPACE BETWEEN which can be purchased HERE
(I used the Taggers Size Kit)
Mask of choice - I am using DBV_Mask 111 - get it HERE
Font used for my name is AQUARELLE

Open up a new 650 x 650 image
Copy and Paste your tube and move slightly to the right
Open up element 9 from the kit - copy/paste and move below the tube and to the left.
Open element 17 - copy/paste and move below the tube and to the right. Look at my tag for placement.
Open element 29 - copy/paste and move below the tube and to the left.
Open element 42 - copy/paste and move above the tube layer, placing at the bottom edge of the tube.
Open element 5 - copy/paste and place as in my tag.
Open element 52 - copy/paste and move below your tube layer. Move to the right slightly, so you can see it poking out from behind your tube.
Open element 14 - copy/paste and move layer down so it is above your wooden window layer. Move to the left and place where desired.
Open element 4 - copy/paste. Resize by 66% and rotate slightly to the left.
Duplicate this layer - mirror image and resize by 66% - place where you like it best.
Open element 46 - copy/paste and resize by 66%. Move the layer down to where you like it best. You can duplicate and flip/mirror this layer again if you like ♥
Open element 27 - copy/paste and mirror this layer. Move and place as my tag.
Open element 51 - copy/paste and resize by 33%. Place as desired.
Now - open Paper # 10 and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 83% and apply the Mask.
I applied the HSB Noise effect and then added Blinds effect.
Now copy and paste your tube again ... and move it down so it is just above your Mask layer. Mirror the tube and place it so it is showing through the wooden window.
On your Mask Layer - go to Selections, Select All, Float, and then Defloat. Next - Selections, Invert.
Now move again to the tube Layer, and hit Delete, then Selctions, Select None.
Lower the opacity of the tube to 50% ... you can play around with the Blend Mode until you find one you like.

Add your Copyright Information, and your name - and save as a PNG file.
You are done!

Here is another example :

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Summer Scents - FTU

Tube of Choice - I am using the wonderful artwork of Keith Garvey which you can purchase from PTE
(I purchased this tube from MPT when they were still in the tube business)
Add on Freebie by Novaczka Designs HERE
Mask of Choice (if desired)
Font used : Saginaw Bold

Okay - let's get started

1. Open a new image 650 x 650 - you can resize later when your tag is done.
2. Open element 9 (frame) and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 33%
3. Open element 10 (fern leaf) and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 22% and move to the left hand side of the frame. Duplicate and rotate by 90 degrees to the right ... then place along the bottom of the frame.
4. Open element 7, and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 22% and place at the bottom left hand corner of the frame.
5. Open element 5, and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 22%, then rotate by 90 degrees to the right and place along the bottom of the frame ... on top of the fern leaf.
6. Open element 3 (bottle) and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 33% and drag below a couple of layers so that it sits against the frame, at the right hand bottom corner.
7. Open element 1 (flowers) and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 33%. Move this down one layer and arrange behind the bottle.
8. Open element 6, and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 22% and move to the left ... duplicate and rotate by 90 degrees and move down ... look at my tag.
9. Open element 4 (doodle) and copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 22% and then by 55%. Move down.
10. Open element 2, and copy/paste as new layer. Resize 20%. Choose a color from your tag and recolor this element. Move down to the bottom layer, moving this to the bottom of the tag. Duplicate and flip.
11. Add a new layer and move this layer below your frame layer. Go to your frame layer, and using the magic wand, click inside the frame. Go to Selections, Modify and Expand by 4. Move back to your new layer and flood fill the expanded selection with a color from your tube or the elements. Whatever works best. Select none. Now add EyeCandy HSB Noise effect with these settings

12. Now add your tube ... move it so it sits above the frame layer but below the ferns etc.
13. Add your copyright information and your name ... and you are done. Save as a PNG file.

Lia Witches Den - FTU

Please be very gentle ... this is my first time putting a tutorial together lol
Also ... use my tutorial as a guideline - add your own flair, and make your tag unique!

(Click on image to get full size)

This tutorial is entirely my own creation and any similarities to any other tut on the web is purely coincidental.

I am using the wonderful artwork of Lia ... visit her site :
I used the free to use kit WITCHES DEN by Vaybs which you can get HERE
Mask used is by MC_Mask13 by MelissazCreationz which you can get HERE
Font used for my name is called GRAVE DIGGER

Okay - let's get started.

1. Open up a new image 650 x 650
2. Open up the Witches Den Kit by Vaybs and use element 19 (house) and paste as new layer.
3. Open element 34 (moon) and paste as new layer and drag below the house. Resize as desired.
4. Open element 77 (flock of birds) and paste as new layer. Mirror image, resize as desired and place across the moon image as in my tag.
5. Open element 29 (grass) and paste as new image, drag below the house and place so it is showing just below the bottom of the house.
6. Open element 39, paste as new layer and resize. Place on the right hand side of the house.
7. Open element 10, paste as new layer and drag this layer so it sits in front of the house. Resize as desired, then duplicate image, and mirror, so you end up with a row of flowers in front of the house.
8. Open element 80 (fire), paste as new image and resize - then move over to the left slightly in front of the house.
9. I also used elements 6 (lantern) 38 (cat) 48 (sparkle) and 73 (crow) and place where you like.
10. Go to raster 1 - which should be your bottom layer. Choose a color from your tag, and using the flood fill tool, fill this layer with your chosen color. Now go to LAYERS, New Mask Layer, from image and in the drop down box, choose MC_Mask13 or your mask of choice that you have open in PSP. Make sure that Source Luminance is checked, and then hit OK. Then go back to LAYERS, Merge, Merge group. You now have your mask background.
You may add whatever effects you like - I applied EyeCandy HSB Noise, then Effects, Texture Effects, Blinds. And I also lowered the visibility of the mask to 50%
11. Now ... add your tube and place as desired. 
12. Add your Copyright Information, your name and you are done!

Here is another example of the same tag but using the awesome artwork of Misticheskaya (PTU)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quick Update

Yes, I know that it's been awhile ... and life has been very very busy ... so much that this week is the first time in ages that I have sat down and made a few tags ... boy have I missed it! Hopefully things will settle down now and I can get back into the swing of things, making some new templates and having a ball psping at the forum.
Just wanted to share this with you too ... ALWAYS CREATIONS TUTS TOO ... used one of my templates, and wrote a tut. She left me this pressie which is awesome - THANK YOU ♥

You can find the tut for this tag here