This tutorial was written by me on March 23rd 2012, and is
entirely my own work.
Any resemblance to other tutorials/designs on the net is
purely conincidental.
Please do not rip this tutorial apart or claim it as your own work.
This tutorial is done in PSP 9 but maybe done in other versions as
well. A basic understanding of the program and it's tools is needed.
Tube is by Zlata_m which you can get at Pics for Design called Brunett
Kit I am using is by Inzpired Creations called Sweet but Deadly which you
can purchase at Scraps and the City
PLUGINS - Eye Candy HSB Noise/Gradient Glow and Muras Meisters Copies
FONTS - Fontsmoocher
MASK - of choice
(I always add my mask layer at the end - sometimes I find looking at
the tag, that you just don't need it - so it's personal choice)
Open up a 650 x 650 transparent image
Copy and paste your tube onto your canvas, resizing ( I resized by 55%0
and moving to the right.
Open up your kit and choose Frame 1 - copy/paste - resize by 55% and
move down below your tube layer. Move to the left slightly.
Using your Magic Wand tool, click inside the frame - go to
Selections/Modify/Expand by 5. Now create a new layer, drag this below
your frame layer and floodfill the selected area with a color from your
tube or the frame.Sections/Select None. Using font of choice type out
the words SWEET BUT DEADLY. Using Mura's Meisters Copies, Tiling
(change Gap Size to 1) and apply. Magic Wand again - clicking anywhere
outside your back, and when the marching ants are showing, move back to
your text layer and hit delete.
Element FILM STRIP - copy/paste - resize by 55% and move this down to
the bottom of your tube. Using your Magic Wand again, click inside the
frame boxes - Selections/Modify/Expand by 4. Create a new layer, drag
this below your film strip and floodfill the selected area, with a
color of your choice.Do not deselct. Once again ... copy/paste your
tube onto this colored filmstrip back - do not resize your tube.
Selection/Select All - and then hit delete. You should now have your
tube cropped and showing through the filmstrip. Change the Blend Mode
to Luminance.
Using your Shape Tool - choose Elipse and draw out a large circle,
color of choice. Convert to rastor layer - and move this to the right,
below your frame/frame back. Add HSB Noise - default settings,
adjusting Height/Width to 85 - random seed. Copy and paste your tube
(original size) onto the circle. Crop as per filmstrip back - and
change Blend Mode to Luminance. On your Circle - add Gradient Glow.
Element Ribbon 1 - copy/paste - resize by 55% and sit this across the
top of your Frame. Mirror the ribbon.
Using your Rectangle Tool Shape - Line Width 14 - draw out a squarish
shape. Convert to raster layer, and then add a new layer, click inside
the frame, move down to new layer and floodfill with color of choice.
Copy/paste your tube again, and crop once you have it placed where you
like in the frame. Merge the frame, tube layer and frame back. Rotate
slightly to the left and position as shown.
Element Skull 2 - copy/paste - resize by 22% and place on the top right
hand corner of your new frame.
Element LIGHTS - copy/paste - move this layer down below your
frame/frame back - move to position so it is showing above the frame.
Element FLOWER 2 - copy/paste - resize by 77% and move to the right, so
some of the flower is showing from behind your tube.
Element Sparkles 2 - copy/paste - move this so it sits across the front
of your filmstrip frame. Duplicate this sparkle layer and Flip.
Element WALLET - copy/paste - resize by 44% - move to the right, below
your tube layer.
Element BOX - copy/paste - resize by 55%, and move to the left of your
Element BOTTLE 1 - copy/paste - resize by 33% and place this on top of
the box.
Element COCKTAIL - copy/paste - resize by 22% and place this next to
the bottle.
Element CUFFS - resize by 33% - and move to sit in front of the Film
Strip frame.
Element KITTY 4 - copy/paste - resize by 22% and sit in front of the
Text Tool - Fontsmoochers (Size 28) type out the words SWEET BUT DEADLY
and place at the bottom of your tag. Add a FAT Gradient glow in White,
Size 3, and then a Medium Gradient Glow in color of choice, Size 5.
Add your Copyright Information clearly, and then add your name. Save
your image as a PNG File - and you're done.