Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Collab Templates with Mirella

This time I have teamed up with the beautiful Mirella from A Space Between
and we have come up with 3 Templates for you

PREVIEW of Templates 1,2 and 3

I hope you make some awesome tags from these templates - and as always, just drop me a note showing me what you have made

Thanks for visiting

Template 225

Shock horror ... it's been awhile since I made a template that I liked
I hope that the inspiration lasts just a little bit longer so I can more uploaded for everyone

Here is the preview
This template is in PSD format

This is what I did with the template - used a gorgeous Barbara Jensen tube called Burlesque which you can get at Scraps and the City
Happy Tagging ... and as always ... I would love to see any tags you make, or tuts you write with this template. ♥

Sunday, May 27, 2012

New Age Cluster Freebie

I have created a cluster freebie for you today
using the NEW AGE OUTLAW kit by Wicked Princess Scraps
which you can buy here
at The PSP Project

Preview of New Age Cluster

And here is my finished tag using the cluster - I used an amazing tube by Angela Newman (PTE) called
'When Darkness Falls"

Happy Tagging everyone

Sin City (PTU)

This tutorial was written by me on May 26th 2012
and is purely my own creation.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Do not rip apart or claim as your own.

I am using the awesome artwork of Christine Kotlark called Bad Boy Charloe which you can find here at PTE

The kit I used is brand new by Wicked Princess Scraps called New Age Outlaws and you can pick it up here at The PSP Project

PLUGINS - AAA Frames (Foto Frame) and Eye Candy HSB Noise

Open a 650 x 300 transparent canvas

Floodfill your first layer with a color from your tube
Apply Eye Candy HSB Noise - adjusting the Lump Width and Height to your
liking - I always have them set to approx 100

Apply a close up of your tube and change the blend mode to Luminance
Legacy or Overlay - whichever you prefer

Now onto your elements - use my tag as a guide
Element Cityscape 2 Resize by 77%
Element CYCLE 6 Resize by 77%
Element Stck Money Resize by 33%
Element Tape resize by 77%
Element Crates resize by 44%
Element Gun 7 resize
Element Bullet Holes - resize by 22%
Duplicate and place as desired around tag
Element Clock - Copy/paste as new layer. Move to the top left hand
corner of the tag.

Copy and paste your tube. Resize to your liking and then merge all

Apply AAA Frames - Foto Frame, default settings, adjusting width to 10.
Duplicate, Adjust Blur to 10, Change Blend mode to Overlay and lower
Opacity to 56.

Add your Copyright Information and your name and you are done. A simple

And here is the same tag - made full size on a 650 x 650 canvas, without the AAA Frames Plugin

Thursday, May 24, 2012

SteamPunk Extras

Back with another set of extras for you to snag

This time I have used the cutie artwork by Cute Loot - this tube is called SteamPunk and you can buy her here at the PSP Project

Click on these extras to get them at their full size and then save to your pc.
**Do not alter these tags or claim as your own work**
**Any infringement will be reported to PSP Project immediately**

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tag Show Off ... by Liz ♥

Just wanted to share with you the most awesome tag that my good buddy Liz did today.

Liz tried my new HOT IN THE CITY Tutorial and this was the finished result

A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Liz
and thank you so much for trying my tut, and sharing your result
Miriya is one lucky lady to get this tag

Hot In the City Tutorial (PTU)

This tutorial was written by me on May 23rd 2012
Any resemblance to any other tutorial on the internet is purely coincidental.
Please do not rip apart my tut and claim it as your own work.
A basic understanding of PSP 9, it's tools and effects is required.

My tube of choice is ADRIANA by Alexander McMillan which you buy here at Scraps and The City
I am using the kit by Tasha's Playground called Party In the City which is part of the Collab Kit at Scraps and The City which you can buy here
Mask (of choice) if desired
Fonts : WhoopAss
Effects : Eye Candy Gradient Glow


Open a 650 x 650 transparent canvas.
If using a mask - now is the time to do so - fill this layer with color of choice, and apply mask.
Copy and paste your tube - resize to size desired.
Open your kit 
Frame 2 - Copy and Paste. Resize by 77%, and move down below the tube. Colorize your frame so it matches a color from the tube. Click inside the frame and modify/expand by 5 - new layer, fill with color of choice. Apply any desired effects to the color layer.
Copy and paste close up of tube - move it so the eyes are showing through. Selctions Invert, and delete - you should have now cropped your tube. Change Blend mode to Luminance Legacy and drop Opacity to 66. Back to the frame layer - add a gradient glow (fat/white/3) and then again - changing to medium, color of choice.
CityScape - Copy and Paste. Move this down so it sits in front of the frame. Change the color of the cityscape to a color that suits your tube and then apply Eye Candy HSB Noise - adjust width and length settings to approx 100 ... leave the rest of the settings as they are.
Sparkle 2 - copy and paste - position to your liking.
Drink - copy and paste. Resize by 44% and colorize and place as desired.
Flower 2 - copy and paste - resize by 77%, colorize and move to the right, below the frame layers.
Duplicate, flip and then move down so both flowers sit close to each other. Merge layer down.
Duplicate this layer - Mirror and flip. Have some of the petals showing out from behind your tube.
Add any other elements that you like and place around your tag. 

Using your font WHOOPASS type out HOT IN THE CITY - size 48
Add your copyright information, and your name and save as a PNG File

Birthday Wishes (PTU) Tutorial

This tutorial was written by me on May 23rd 2012
and is entirely my own ideas and work.
Any resemblance to other tutorials on the internet
is purely coincidental.
Do not rip this tutorial apart.
This tutorials is done in PSP 9 and a basic understanding
of the program, it's tools and effects is required.

I am using GEMINI Birthday Girl and Inzpired Creationz Posh Birthday Kit
which is part of the Collab available here at Scraps and The City
Mask of Choice
Font :
Effects : Muras Meisters Copies & Eye Candy Gradient Glow


Open your tube up in PSP
Open a 650 x 650 Transparent Canvas
Copy and Paste as a new layer - resize by 77% and sharpen.
Using your Preset Shapes Tool and a color from your tube, draw out a oval, sizing like the one in my tag. Convert to raster layer.
Now change your background color to white and draw out a smaller oval shape, placing as my tag. Convert to raster layer.
Now choose your first color from your tube, and your font of choice, type out the words BIRTHDAY WISHES, and convert to raster layer. Use Muras Meisters Copies default settings, changing tile gap to 2 or 3, apply.
Back to your white oval layer, use your magic wand, click anywhere outside the shape and then back to your words layer, delete. Select none.
Add any other effects you like to the ovals if desired.
Add a Gradient Glow to both oval shapes - color of choice.

Onto your elements
LipGloss - copy and paste, drag this layer below your tube and move to the left slightly
Duplicate and mirror.
Sparkles 1 - copy and paste. Move below tube layer.
Present 1 - copy and paste. Resize by 33% and move to the left of the tube.
Present 2 - copy and paste. Resize by 33% and move so it sits in front of the first present.
Drinks - copy and paste. Resize by 33% and move to the right slightly.
Kitty - copy and paste. Resize by 33% and move to the left slightly.
Balloons 2 - copy and paste. Move to the left, duplicate and mirror.

Add your copyright information and your name
Save as a PNG file - and you are done!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Welcome Aboard Cluster Freebie

Today I have a Cluster Frame Freebie for you
which I created using the awesome Welcome Aboard Kit
by Nicky from Inzpired Creationz
You can puchase this kit at Scraps & The City here

Now onto the Cluster

As always - do not rip apart or claim as your own work.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Take Me As I Am EXTRAS ....

Another set of Extras for you today
Something a little different I think.

Tube used is by Angela Newman which you can buy at PSP Tubes Emporium

And the kit is by Wicked Princess Scraps called MUTED LOVE
This was a PTU kit but is now a Freebie
Grab it here

Now onto the Extras - click on them to grab them at full size and save to your pc.
Enjoy ♥

** Do not snag my sets then claim as your own work **
** Do not alter these tags in any way **
♥ Thank You ♥

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rockin' Birthday - PTU (SATC)

This tutorial was written by me on May 9th 2012, and is
entirely my own work.
Any resemblance to other tutorials/designs on the net is
purely conincidental.
Please do not rip this tutorial apart or claim it as your own work.
This tutorial is done in PSP 9 but maybe done in other versions as 
well. A basic understanding of the program and it's tools is needed.

I am using a tube called Kristina by Alexander McMillan.
You can buy this tube at Scraps and the City here

The Kit I am using is called Purple - Birthday for Gurlz which is part
of the Birthday Collab available at SATC here - for only $10
Make sure you check it out - there are some amazing kits/tubes in this
collab for non stop tagging!

Font : WhoopAss, Before the Rain

Filters : DSB Flux - Bright Noise, Eye Candy Gradient Glow/HSB Noise/Glass


Open a 650 x 650 transparent image

Choose a color from your tube, and using your preset shape (elipse)
draw out a large circle. Convert to raster layer and move to the left.
Copy and paste your tube on top of this layer - do not resize.

Now - Magic Wand, and on your circle layer, click outside the circle
and you will have the marching ants showing. Move back to your tube
layer and hit delete. Your tube is now perfectly placed inside. Change
the blend mode on your tube to Luminance (legacy)
You can add whatever effects you like to the cicle. I added DSB Flux
Bright Noise with default settings, and a White Gradient Glow (Eye

Now change your background color to black - draw out an oval shape
slightly larger than your circle. Move this layer down below your
circle layer. I added a White Gradient Glow and then a Purple Gradient

Copy and paste your tube - resize by 66% and move to the left of the

Open your kit - and use the following elements
PK-BFG - Limo - copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 66% and move this
layer down below your tube layer.

PK-BFG- Glitterstar - copy/paste as new layer. Move to the right and
move down below the Limo layer, and slightly to the right.

PK-BFG- Balloons - copy/paste as new layer. Resize by 66% and move the
balloons so they sit on the front of the Limo.

PK-BFG- Ribbon 2 - copy/paste as new layer. Move this so it sits in
front of your tube.

PK-BFG- Cake - copy/paste as new layer. Move this down below the ribbon
layer - moving so it sits just in front of the tube (left leg)

PK-BFG- Martini - copy/paste as new layer, resizing by 66%. Move to the
left ... moving so it sits in front of the tube (right leg)

PK-BFG- Sparkles 2 - copy/paste as new layer, duplicate, flip and

Now - onto your text
Using the WHOOPASS Font Size 48, type out Rockin' Birthday.
Add Eye Candy HSB Noise, adjusting width and length to 100 only.
Add Eye Candy Glass with default settings

Grab your Magic Wand, and click outside the words, showing the marching
ants. Selections Invert, Modify, Expand by 4. Add a new layer, flood
fill with white, and move this layer down below the original word
layer. Add DSB Flux Bright Noise with default settings.

Modify again by 4, add a new layer and floodfill with black. Move this
layer down below the white word layer. Select none.

Merge all layers. Duplicate and on the top layer, adjust Blur/Gaussian
Blur - 3. Adjust Blend Mode to Overlay, and lower Opacity to 54.

Add your Copyright Information, and your name, and save as a PNG file.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Carlos Reis Extras

And one more set of Extras for you today
using the awesome artwork of CARLOS REIS called PinUp Kristie
which you can purchase here at The PSP Project

Now - onto the Extras - click on them to grab them at full size
and save to your computer

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sweet-PinUp Tag Extras

Back with another set of Tag Extras ... this time using the absolutely gorgeous art of Sweet-PinUp
This tube is called Cartoon Dollz 12 and you can grab her here

Click on each tag to grab them at their full size - and save to your pc
Thanks for looking

CT Tag Show Off and Cluster Freebie

Showing off a new tag made with the amazing FOR THE LOVE OF JEWEL Scrap Kit by Wicked Princess Scraps which you can buy here
10 Papers and 88 Elements - just a beautiful kit

And just for you today - here is a freebie cluster