entirely my own work.
Any resemblance to other tutorials/designs on the net is
purely conincidental.
Please do not rip this tutorial apart or claim it as your own work.
This tutorial is done in PSP 9 but maybe done in other versions as
well. A basic understanding of the program and it's tools is needed.
Tube of choice. I am using a tube from Ismael Rac (Coolish Girl) which
can be purchased here http://store.xeracx.net/
this tut works well
with a close up of your tube as well.
The kit is from Inzpired Creations called Always Anarchy which you can
get here http://www.scrapsandthecity.com/store/
My Template # 223 which you can find here
PLUG INS : Eye Candy Gradient Glow
Open up your template in PSP ... duplicate and close out the original.
Delete the top layer (Credit to Denz Designz)
Open your tube - copy and paste as new layer, moving down below the
small wordart layers.
Open up your close up tube - copy and paste as a new layer, and move
this layer down to below the right frame layer. Using your magic wand,
move to the right frame back layer, and click anywhere outside the
shape, and then with the marching ants showing, move back to your close
up tube layer and hit delete. Change the blend mode on the tube layer
to Luminance Legacy.
Repeat the same with the left frame and back layers - so you will have
close up images showing through both the frames.
FRAME LAYERS - Add a gradient glow in color of choice - size 8.68
FRAME BACKS - Effect/Texture Effects/Blinds - Size 4, Opacity 43, Color
Open Guitar element - copy and paste as new layer, resize by 55% and
move down to the right so the guitar is below the small wordart layer.
Open Glitter 1 - copy and paste as new layer, and drag this layer below
your tube layer, and to the left.
Open Cuffs element - copy and paste as new layer, resizing by 22%. Move
to the left, then duplicate and mirror image and flip.
Open Hat element - copy/paste and resize by 28% .. move down and to the
left. Open the Lips 1 element, butterfly and flower 4 elements -
copy/paste, resize by 28% and place - look at my tag for guides.
Open Disco Ball element - copy/paste - do not resize. Move this layer
down to the bottom.
Open Paper 8. Copy and paste as new layer, and move it down to sit
above the left circle. Resize by 66%. On the circle layer, take your
magic wand and click anywhere outside the circle, and with the marching
ants showing, move up to the paper layer and hit delete. Add the same
gradient glow to the paper. Repeat for the right circle. You can delete
the original circle layers.
Copy and paste the same paper above the wordart layer. Resize by 77%
Using your magic wand again, click anywhere outside the wordart, then
move up to the paper layer and delete.
Move to black strip layer - and add the same gradient glow - color
Move to white strip layer - and add the same gradient glow - color
Move to black circle - and add Effects/Texture/Weave - with these
settings 2,6,1, Fill Gaps, Color White
Move to white circle - add the same gradient glow - color black
Now choose your font - and add your name.
Add your copyright information and you are done!